Sunday, September 9, 2018

Benefits of drinking turmeric in milk 7 days.

Benefits of drinking turmeric in milk 7 days.

Friends milk is a balanced diet. There is no lack of any weakness in your body by drinking it. Protein is found in abundance in milk. That is why drinking milk in any disease is definitely said. You must have heard about the benefits of drinking turmeric in milk. Milk is a type of whole diet And turmeric is an antibiotic.

        Due to the use of milk turmeric, many diseases are eliminated from the root. When you drink turmeric and milk together, you have many benefits. Every night drink mix turmeric in milk before bedtime stains of skin scars are removed. And natural skin comes in the skin. If a person is hurt, then he is suffering from turmeric's milk. And the risk of getting an infection is also reduced. Mixing turmeric with milk and putting it on the face shines in the face And wrinkles also end.

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Sunday, August 26, 2018

Benefits of Apple

Friends apple is a fruit which is very beneficial for our body and apple is also healthy fruit. Eating apple can prevent various types of diseases. There is many type of mineral found in the apple. Examples calcium, iron, zinc, potassium phosphorus magnesium, manganese. There is many type of vitamins found in the apple. Examples vitamin C, vitamin K , vitamin(B6), Folate, Pantothenic acid, vitamin A,beta-carotene, etc. Today we are going to tell you some of the benefits of eating apples that only few people know.

These 5 benefits are consumed by eating the apples daily.

1. Eating apple does not cause stomach disorders and the digestive system works well.

2. Weight can also be reduced by consuming apple, it does not get fat . Eating apples remains in appetite control.

3. Some inside the apple are found elements that prevent breast cancer in women.

4. Eating apple does not make the stone in the kidney.

5. People who eat apple every day, their skin is more glowing than others.

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Benefits of Walnuts

A walnut contains 65% fat and contains 15% protein. The most omega fatty acids in the nut . Those called linoleic acids. Walnuts  Vitamin C is a good source of vitamin B6, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium and zinc. Walnuts are also fiber and antioxidants. Now let's tell you the 10 benefits of walnuts which you are surprised to know.

Benefits of Walnuts

1. Cancer prevention
The nut prevents the production of cancer cells in the body. Omega found inside the nut controls the production of cancer cells in fatty acids and antioxidants.

2. Improves the quality of the heart
Walnuts contain monosaccharide fatty acids such as amino acids, omega 3 and oleic acids. The presence of all these things protects the heart from diseases. By eating the walnuts, LDL cholesterol decreases and HDL cholesterol increases. Eating walnuts also reduces the risk of high blood pressure.

3. Antioxidant Powers
Walnut comes second to the case of antioxidant. It contains antioxidants which are not found in other things. By eating walnut regularly, your chances of getting leveraged losses decrease.

4. Weight control

5. Men enhances fertility

6. Diabetes Control
People suffering from diabetes can eat nut regularly and will not increase weight. By eating nut, the risk of diabetes decreases.

7. Bones
By eating nut, the bones are strong. Calcium present in the nut takes care of the bone.

7. Beneficial for hair
Walnuts can be beneficial for getting good hair. Dandruff problem is also cured by eating walnuts. The nut gives you strong, thick and long hair. Walnut oil for hair and is also good.

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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

2 best ways to get rid of premature ejaculation problem immediately


2 best ways to get rid of premature ejaculation problem immediately

In today's famed life, problems of ejaculation are increasing rapidly ahead of time.With this problem many people around the world today are very upset. Many times this problem also has to face your embarrassment. The reason for this is their mis-eating habits, bad habits and wrong lifestyle. Today we are going to tell you two such good remedies. You can get rid of this problem by using it.

2 best ways to get rid of premature ejaculation problem immediately

1.Boil the dates in milk and eat it in the morning and evening. This will remove the problems of your premature ejaculation in a few days.

2.Before bedtime, add 5 almonds and one cardamom to a glass of warm milk and eat it. Keeping the solution continuously for a few days this will remove the problem of your premature ejaculation forever.

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Eat cardamom before sleeping and see what isamazing.

Benefits ofpapayaवजन बढ़ाने के 6 घरेलू उपचार/ 6 home remedies for weight gain in Hindi

Monday, August 20, 2018

5 Amazing Benefits of cardamom For Hair, Obesity, blood, insomnia, constipation

Eat cardamom before sleeping and see what is amazing.

5 Amazing Benefits of cardamom For Hair, Obesity, blood, insomnia, constipation
Cardamom is used in every house in some form. Sometimes you use it as a spice in a vegetable, and sometimes it is added to tea. Eat it any way you want, it only benefits you. However, cardamom is consumed several times throughout the day. But if the cardamom is eaten before sleeping at night, many problems get rid of it. So let's know about it---

To improve blood circulation
It is important to live a healthy life that your blood circulation is even better. In fact, the nutrients of whatever you eat, reach every part of the body through the blood. Thus, if your blood circulation has improved, all nutrients easily and better reach different parts of the body. If you drink warm cardamom in the night, your blood becomes easily purified. And blood circulation is better in the body.

Reduction obesity
If you are upset with your growing weight and want to reduce your excess weight in a very easy way. So chew one or two cardamoms before sleeping and after that drink a glass of hot water. Actually, cardamom is found in Potassium, Magnesium, Vitamin B1, B6 and Vitamin C, which reduces your excess weight. At the same time, fiber and calcium present in cardamom regulates your weight.

The end of insomnia
If you do not sleep well in the night, eat cardamom with warm water. By doing so you will end up with the root cause of your problem in a few days.  In fact, when you consume cardamom at night, it relaxes your brain and gives you a good sleep. Not only this, if you have a snoring problem in sleep, then that too is far from it.

Stop hair fall
Due to increasing pollution and wrong lifestyle in today's times, most people are troubled by the problem of hair loss. In this case, before sleeping at night, you should chew cardamom and drink hot water glass. Not only this, dandruff problems can be overcome in such a way as well.

Relief from constipation
Some people wake up in the morning and get fresh so they have a lot of trouble. Constipation is common when there is a disturbance in the digestive system. But to get relief from it, cardamom can be consumed at night. By using cardamom at night, your digestive power increases.  Also, your intestines and kidneys are also clean.

If you learn something from this information, do not forget to share &  comment it.

The wonderful benefits of eating Dates

Benefits of papaya

Benefits of papaya

Benefits of papayaPapaya is the fruit of the angels. Papaya is a fruit in which Vitamin C is abundant. And it is contained many beneficial properties for health. A list of some of the best benefits of papaya is given next. There is many type of mineral found in the papaya. Examples calcium, iron, zinc, potassium phosphorus magnesium, manganese. There is many type of vitamins found in the papaya. Examples vitamin C, vitamin K , vitamin(B6), Folate, Pantothenic acid, vitamin A,beta-carotene, etc.

The wonderful benefits of eating papaya

1. Reduces cholesterol. Fiber, vitamin C and antioxidant are abundant in papaya. Which protects you from becoming cholesterol in your body.

Benefits of papaya2. Helps in weight loss. Those who aim to lose weight should definitely include papaya in their diet. Because there is very little calorie in it.

3. If you want to increase your immunity, it will be very beneficial to consume papaya.

4. Papaya diabetes is good for patients. It contains less sugar content. Those who do not have diabetes, can overcome the risk of developing diabetes by eating papaya.

5. Is beneficial for your eyes. Vitamin-A is abundant in papaya which is good for the eyes. Therefore, papayas should be included in their diet.

6. Arthritis prevents diseases. Bone is strengthened by eating papaya.

7. Digestive power is good by eating papaya.

8. Relieves the pain of the menstrual cycle.

9. Prevents cancer.

10. Helps in reducing stress.

Friday, August 17, 2018

वजन बढ़ाने के 6 घरेलू उपचार/ 6 home remedies for weight gain in Hindi

वजन बढ़ाने के 6 घरेलू उपचार/ 6 home remedies for weight gain in Hindi

वजन बढ़ाने के 6 घरेलू उपचार

वजन बढ़ाने के लिए आप लोग किया किया नही खाते हैं? तेजी से वजन बढ़ाने के लिए किया खाना चाहिए. जो आप का घर में ही उप्लोभ हो ये 6 बेहतरीन घरेलू उपचार जो आपका वजन बढ़ाने के लिए मदद करेगा 

वजन बढ़ाने के 6 घरेलू उपचार,egg,ओंडा

वजन बढ़ाने के लिए अंडा बहत अत्ची सीज हे अंडों में कैलोरी, वसा और प्रोटीन की अच्छी मात्रा होती है और वे अपने वजन बढ़ाने की इच्छा रखने वाले लोगों के बीच एक लोकप्रिय भोजन हैं। बस रोजाना लगभग तीन चार अंडों का सफेद हिस्सा खाएं। और आप देखना आपका वजन धीरे धीरे बढने लगेगा 

2.दूध के साथ केला
केले कैलोरी से भरे हुए हैं और इसमें बहुत सारे
कार्बोहाइड्रेट और पोटेशियम होते हैं जो आपको तत्काल ऊर्जा देते हैं। जो भी वजन बढ़ाना चाहता है उसे रोजाना एक गिलास गर्म दूध के साथ केले खाना चाहिए 

वजन बढ़ाने के 6 घरेलू उपचार/ 6 home remedies for weight gain in Hindi,mango3.आम और दूध
दिन में एक दो आम (परिपक्व) का सेवन करें। सुनिश्चित करें कि आप आम खाने के बाद एक गिलास गर्म दूध पीते हैं।आप एक महीने के बाद आप परिणाम देखेंगे

वजन बढ़ाने के 6 घरेलू उपचार/ 6 home remedies for weight gain in Hindi,potetos

आलू कार्बोहाइड्रेट के साथ पैक होते हैं, इसलिए इसमें कोई संदेह नहीं है कि उन्हें नियमित रूप से खाने से आपके शरीर के वजन में वृद्धि नहीं होगी।

5.अंजीर और किशमिश
सूखे अंजीर और किशमिश कैलोरी से भरा चॉकलेट हैं, इसलिए वे वजन बढ़ाने में मदद करते हैं। कुछ अंजीर और किशमिश पानी में रात भर भिगोकर रखे.अगले दिन उन्हें दो भागों में खाएं। आप परिणाम 20 से 30 दिन में देख जाएगे

वजन बढ़ाने के 6 घरेलू उपचार/ 6 home remedies for weight gain in Hindi,kishmish
वजन बढ़ाने के 6 घरेलू उपचार/ 6 home remedies for weight gain in Hindi,anjir
घी, butter
मक्खन या घी चर्बी और कैलोरी का एक उत्कृष्ट स्रोत है, इसलिए यह आपके शरीर के वजन को बढ़ा सकता है।
एक चम्मच चीनी के साथ एक चम्मच स्पष्टीकृत मक्खन मिलाएं। अपने दोपहर के भोजन और रात के भोजन खाने से 30 मिनिट पहले खाई. ये आपका वजन बढ़ाने के लिए फायदामंद होगा

Benefits of drinking turmeric in milk 7 days.

Benefits of drinking turmeric in milk 7 days . Friends milk is a balanced diet . There is no lack of any weakness in your body by d...